Friday, April 8, 2011

…… when you hate the sight of a bicycle

Since I have been at Florida State University I have come to terms that one day I am going to be in a hit and run accident with a bicycle. The headlines are going to read that “A female Florida State student was hit while walking to class on the east side of the campus.” The article is going to further explain that the careless person rode off without a second glimpse leaving the young lady sprawl out on the pavement like road kill. These arrogant bicyclists on this campus get on my last nerve. What is the point of a riding a bicycle anyway? Hello ass that is why we have buses you get on it and it will take you all over the campus. If you are too fancy to ride the bus than walk because the next time one of you bicyclist try to ride through a thick crowd I am going to push you off your bike. Also for those extreme bicyclists, wearing spandex is a BIG NO. If you aren’t Lance Armstrong than I don’t want to see you in any type of spandex.

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