Thursday, April 7, 2011

...your schools well known tradition is Osceola and Renegade or the Cowgirls?

At the beginning of every FSU game everyone anxiously awaits for Osceola and his horse Renegade to run across the field, raising excitement and adrenaline in the students and team. Osceola is a classic and well known tradition of our school, who has been a proud mascot since the establishment of FSU. Ironically though when you type FSU into Google images is it Osceola and Renegade that first pop up? Oh no, it is the skimpily dressed Cowgirls who's image appears. With their nearly bear all outfits and extreme cleavage revealing "tops" this appears to be the representation that the world gets of FSU. How classy! So who is our real mascot, the classy Osceola and his horse Renegade or the lovely tasteful Cowgirls? Another thought, if were called the "Seminoles" how do Cowgirls even remotely relate to this? And another thought, are these Cowgirls even FSU students??? Way to go Florida State.

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